2009년 11월 13일 금요일

Reading Journal-15

The Hitchhiker by Roald Dahl

*Genre: Non-fiction, short-story

*Source: From International English class (Teacher: Ms.Farrer)

*Rating: 4 out of 5

*I have read whole story

*2 new vocabulary words:

1. hefty: adj.(of a person or an object) big and heavy.

2. twerp: n. (old-fashioned,informal) a stupid or annoying person.

Question from Homework website:
What is the setting?
When? Where?
How important is the setting to the story?
What effect does it have?

The story shows us the setting from the beginning of the story.
The narrator and the Hitchhiker (fingersmith) met the road which is head up to London. So, overall board setting is London. But, the narrow and specific setting is in the narrator's car which is BMW. There is no specific time setting but from the description of the hitchhiker by the narrator (He was wearing cloth cap on his head and greyish-coloured jackiet.), it happens during this day a few years ago or nowadays like 21th century.
Like many stories, the setting of the story makes it more interesting. Since in the car is very limited to move, there is more chance to make a dialogue each other. The story is unfloded by conversation between the narrator(the driver) and the Hitchhiker.

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