2009년 8월 22일 토요일

Reading Journal-01

'Marry Poppins' by P.L.Travers

A musical based on the stories of P.L.Travers
'The classic international best selling children's book'
First published in Great Britain by Peter Davies Ltd 1934
This edition published by HarperCollins Children's Books 2004

This book is fiction and I get this book from my tuition center.
My rating about this book is 4.

I have been read 4 chapters.

*undignified from ch.4: adj. causing you to look silly and to lose the respect of other people

*Dilapidated form ch.1: adj. (of furniture and buildings) old and in very bad condition

Question 4.
Describe the main character. How is she/he like or unlike you?
How interesting is she/he to read about?

The main character is marry poppins
One day, she arrived at Cherry Tree Lane- Number Seventeen using her umbrella by the wind.
She thinks she doesn't need any references.
Marry brought funny bag which was made of carpet, but there are lots of things in empty and small bag.
Such as large cake of Sunlight Soap, a toothbrush, a packet of hairpins, a bottle of scent, a small folding armchair and a box of throat lozengers.
She also has a strange medicine which has various flavors.
She sometimes strict to children, but she knows how to treat mischief children.

댓글 1개:

  1. I enjoyed reading this entry Min Jung.
    Remember that names should ALWAYS have capital letters.
    Good choice of vocabulary words...dilapidated and undignified.
    Mrs Farrer
