2009년 9월 11일 금요일

Reading Journal-03

DID WE KILL THE NEANDERTHALS?- The mysterious extinction of our sister species may reveal much about the roots of human nature.

*This article is scientific article and I found this article from 'TIME' magazien.

*My rating is 3.5 over 5.

*I have read this whole aritcle.

*My 2 new vocabulary words are...

1. INEVITABLE : adj. that you cannot avoid or prevent.

2. SUCCUMB : verb. th fail to resist and attack, an illness, a temptation, etc.


The two pictures of the top are the picure of the Neanderthals and the cave that the Neanderthals had lived and also, the url at the top of this sentence is short video about the Meanderthal - Did we kill the Neanderthals?

*My Question : 3. What is the setting? When? Where? How important is the setting to the stroy? Why does it have?

The setting is really important to this article. Because the setting that the Neanderthals lived in gives us many clues to extinction of the Neanderthals.
Scientists found Shanidar 3;s remains in the cave where he died in what's now modern day Iraq ( 'TIME' the article). Also, scientists think the Neanderthals were exist 50,000 years ago.

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