2009년 9월 26일 토요일

Reading Journal-08

"China Flies High"by Bill Powell from "Time" August10,2009.

*Genre: News(Magazine)

*Source: Book Store

*Rating: 3 out of 5

*I read whole article

*2 new vocabulary words

1. Recession- n. a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed

2. Zeitgeist- n. (from German, formal) the general mood or quality of a particular period of history, as shown by the ideas, beliefs, etc. common at the time

About few months ago, the world's economy had gone into a deep hole and it didn't seem like there were any answers. However, some people are now looking for another country which can save the world.
China is known for its very wide land, world-side language and its big population. The world is watching China. A few years ago, this would have sounded really ridiculous. However, now, China has developed really fast. From the Time article 'China Flies High', it is mentioned that China looks like a picture of economic dynamism.
Although China is recieving high expectations from the world, there are sill some problems now. I have learned that China's current situation is similar to the U.S's. So some people are worrying that China may fall into U.S's. current situation.
I think the world economy has become better than before. I hope we can find more special ways to recover our economy.

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