2009년 10월 24일 토요일

Reading Journal-12

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

*Genre: Literature

*Source: From Mrs. Farrer

*Rating: 4 out 5.

* I have read whole story.

* 2 New vocabulary words:

1. Exultant: adj. (formal) feeling or showing great pride or happines especially
because of something exciting that has happened

2. petulantly( petulant): adj. (written) bad tempered and unreasonable, especially because you cannot do or have what you want.

Many vocabulary words from this story was very hard and some words are not familiar to me. So I had to look up my dictionary to understand the whole story.
Actually, I have already read the story before, so it was easy to understand more than before while I was reading.

The author is Guy de Maupassant who is from France.
This story is very famous and still, read by many readers.

The story is simple enough to understand for readers. However, what the author and the story want to tell readers is complicated and deep enough.

From the story, the necklace, which is the symbol of this story, represent desire and vanity of many humans. So, the author is trying to say how humans' desire and vanity are hopeless, and how only one mistake can change human's life through the necklace. Also, the author is trying to say how human can be changed so easily by the many kinds of environments.

From this story, Human is shown as a greedy existence which always follows hopeless beautiness not seeing the beautiness of the inside.
The greed and desire can take away discriminating power to see the real truth from human.
So, without having any discriminating power to see the real truth of something, it is hard to discriminate the real and fake things for humans.
The desire and greed of human can't eliminate easily.
However, the author ask a question to the readers 'If Matilde didn't lose her necklace?' at the end of the story so, that the readers can think deeply about the story.

댓글 1개:

  1. Great work Min Jung.
    You have written a lot of entries and you have done excellent work on all of them.
    You have read a lot of books it's fantastic to see your excellent work.=)
    Mrs F
