2009년 10월 31일 토요일

Reading Journal-13

The wonderful story of Henry Sugar by Roald DahlPublished by the Penguin Group Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London wc2r, England

*Genre: Fiction

*Source: Form Borders

*Rating: 5 out of 5

* I haver read whole story

*2 new vocabulary words:

1_) disciple: noun. a person who believes in and follows the teachings of a religious or political leader

2_) crouch: verb. to lower your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you

* Roahld Dahl is my one of favorite authors. The reason why I like his stories is his fantastic descripnations. Actually, it's first time to read his story which is written for teenagers. I have read only his stories which are written for children such as charlie and chocolate factory, Matilda,Fantastic Mr. Fox and BFG....etc.

* Question14 : Start as what you want to.
My question for everyone is 'What if you can see everything without hiding your two eyes completely?
If I were a girl who can see with my eyes closed, I will first try to figure out what happended to me. Of course, as everyone can imagine firstly, there are many advantages that I can get from sepcial ability that I got. But what people recognise is that closing eyes also have some advantages. We can close eyes not to see something while watching scary movies or sleeping. Also, my habit is to close my eyes to not to see something but dark so that I can concentrate easily and think deeply. However, if I can see with my eyes closed, I can't make doing that.
So, think carefully what you want to be.

댓글 1개:

  1. Hi Min Jung,
    You have written some excellent entries in your reading journal. I hope that you have enjoyed the Roald Dahl stories that we are reading in class at the moment.
    Keep up the GREAT work. =)
    Mrs F
