2009년 10월 3일 토요일

Reading Journal-09

"Truth Or Dare" by Celia Rees
published by Macmillan Children's Books 2000 in the New WIndmill Series 2001.

*Gnere: Fiction(horror, mystery)

*Soure: High School Senior Library

*Rating: 3 out of 5

*I read 8 chapters from this book.

* 2 New Vocabulary words :

1. Minnow - A very small FRESHWATER fish

2. Tarry - (old use or literary) to stay in a place, especially when you ought to leave; to delay coming to or going from a place

*Question 14 : If you disliked or found something you read very boring, explain why?

This book has interesting story in it, but I disliked how this story unfloding. The reason why I disliked how the story unfloding because the book unfold the stroy too slow. Of course, unfolding too fast is also bad, but still, the specific story didn't come out even though I have read chapter 8. The book was concentrated to tell the reader about the setting, main characters and main character's history and past. So, if the story unfold faster than now, I wouldn't dislike or bored while I reading this book.

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